miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

Canyoning with kids

It includes all type of proposals to introduce children to the practice of canyoning.


Introduction to Vertical for Kids (Xalo Mountain)
Cerves Top Canyon (Tourón Waterfalls, Melón-Orense), [touchdown]



The Barrasil Canyon (Rodellar, Sierra de Guara) [progression canyon school]
The Vero River (Alquezar, Sierra de Guara), [touchdown]
Vero River (Lecina to Villacantal Bridge, Sierra de Guara), [integral]
Basender Canyon (Lecina, Sierra de Guara) [Vertical Canyon School]


Tranco Canyon (Villel, Teruel) [dry ravine school]


Canaletes Down Canyon (Horta de Sant Joan, Tarragona) [aquatic ravine school]

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If any reader has input on declines guns of interest, both nationally and internationally, please, any information is welcome.

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